ASSI - I have compassion for all living things know one or anything should be treated inhumanely; however, in this society women are raped, beaten, doused with gasoline, and murdered in some of the most heinous ways imaginable; babies are left in garbage cans wrapped in plastic bags, some are mauled by dogs and rodents, some are sexually assaulted, shaking to death, and beaten by an adult; and the babies who live beyond their toddler years are still in danger of being molested or murdered by a parent, and animals are mistreated everyday by a neglectful owner, mentally unstable owner, or simply because the owner is training the animal for protection and disciplinarian reasons.I am in no way condoning Michael Vick's behavior with his involvement in the illegal dog fighting case; however, he is a notable athlete who knew better hence
his dishonesty with the NFL Commissioner and the Atlanta Falcons. Most people will refrain from disclosing criminal information from people they respect, love, and admire to protect their image, and to avoid Inquisition when the behavior is likely to continue. Make an example of Vick, yes; but end his football career, no; should he go to jail, no; should he receive community service hours or probation, yes; should he receive a hefty fine, yes; is he a product of his upbringing, yes; did he make a mistake, no. Dog fighting is an under ground sport that is well attended, folks bread pits to fight unlike the Westminster that is there purpose. Someone owns the opposing dogs and someone was placing sizable bets, so who gave Vick up? His power intimidated the hell out of someone; he/she they felt a need to bring him down, strip him of his professional football career, and locked down. Who in the hell did he piss-off? Was he to cocky and arrogant? Was his stack too big?
I am really surprised at some of the comments made by Black commentators. I realize they have careers to protect, but they also have a voice and a platform that can be used to highlight the positives of a bad situation. Instead many lack the balls to refrain from sensationalised comments for viewer ratings. It seems, Vick was unaware that when you have you something worth loosing, you surround yourself with others, who have something to loose. When you hang with folks who do not have anything to loose, you loose. I think it is an unfortunate situation, it is not good for our society, and the judge should be removed from the case due to his obvious love for animals.
AHSI.....Justice is truly blind. First let me state for the record that I do not condone Mike Vick actions towards killing the dogs but I do understand the sport of dogfighting. I do not believe that the Virginia Court system, the media and the NFL should be throwing the book at him, but because of the attention that they are giving this story, I feel that he will be unable to get a fair trail. He will probably be used as an example and given the maximum sentence. If anyone else was caught dogfighting and faced with animal cruelty charges, they would have been given a fine to pay or some type of probation with no jail time.
My final thought on this matter for all you animal lovers and PETA activists, (that are not true vegetarians) is: Any type of food we eat has been killed in a cruel and violent method. Whether its baiting a hook to catch a fish, to animal traps to catch bears and wolves, to the hunting techniques of shooting wild animals, to the farmers that raise livestock to feed the world, are you going to fine, arrest or even complain about there activities to anyone?
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A Humans Life Vs An Animal's Life
Atlanta Falcons,
football player,
justice is blind,
Mike Vick
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