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Thursday, December 27, 2007

On the Big Screen: The Perfect Holiday

AHSI...... The Perfect Holiday starring Queen Latifah, Morris Chestnut and Gabrielle Union is a romantic comedy centered around a single mother, Ms. Union raising her three children. They meet Santa Claus, Mr. Chestnut who portrays the Knight Shining Armor, and all of the magical, corny at times, humor begins. AHSI gives this movie 3 eyeballs.

ASSI - Christmas is not the same without the ones you love, and the Perfect Holiday is a light hearted comedy with good intentions. Nancy (Union) is a divorcee with three children and her former husband J Jizzy (Murphy) is married to the music business. This is a nice family film that everyone can watch together, the story line is the same, but the acting is convincing enough to enjoy the movie. Queen Latifah is more than starring in the film, she is also producer and narrator. This film gives hope to aspiring screen writers and producers. The Perfect Holiday was a simple film with all the right accouterments to make it to the big screen. As I see it The Perfect Holiday receives 3.0 blinks

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