ASSI - Thunder Grill in Union Station located in Washington DC is an ideal spot for happy hour you can have a beer for $2.00 or $2.75, rail drinks for $3.75, and frozen margaritas for $4.75. The appetizers are $4.00 for cheese nachos, cheese quessadillas, and hot wings that are rather tasty but sometimes too salty. The bartenders are all men except for Joanna who is the only woman and Ross is the only heterosexual Black male behind the bar. Despite of sexual orientation the bartenders are extremely good looking, are on first name bases with most customers, and make really good drinks. I prefer sitting at the bar where the atmosphere is friendly, the patrons seated at the bar are generally down-to-earth, and often have spirited conversations with people who are traveling via Metro train, Amtrak, Marc train, and the VRE commuter train stop in and have a drink prior to catching the train. There is also a number of locals who simply stop in because of the friendly environment and the drink specials. I am there more than I should be at least twice a month on a Friday for about two hours. As I see it Thunder Grill receives 4.0 blinks. If and when you are in Union Station stop by Thunder Grill for a drink or two but make sure you allow someone else to do the driving.
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