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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Birds Eye View of Brazil

ASSI - I wanted to do something exciting for my birthday. When Umberto our cab driver in Brazil shared with us that we could Hang Glide, I jumped at the opportunity. Umberto made a phone call and off we were to do a Tandem Hang Gliding Flight over the National Park, Tijuca Forest and Sea, and landing on Sao Conrado "Pepino" Beach in Rio De Janeiro. When we arrived at Pepino Beach, and I saw the Hang Gliders coming in for landing, I was extremely excited, and couldn't wait for my turn. We had to wait about thirty minutes until our pilot landed, the glider was disassembled, packed up and placed on the pilot's truck. We had to pay $10.00 Reals to entire the National Park where we would descend from a cliff off a mountain, five hundred feet from the beach where we landed. Once on top of the mountain we had to wait for the glider to be assembled, do a test run with the pilot, and get a quick lesson of the do's and don'ts like: keep running off the cliff, don't place your weight on the pilot, don't touch the bar, keep your right hand on the pilot, and have a good time.

The cost to Hang Glide is $240.00 Reals, if you want to mark the occasion with pictures, it will cost you $60.00, and if you purchase a video that captures every sound and move of the experience the picture cost is waived, but the video is $160.00 Reals, the experience is costly but worth it. The view was magnificent, it was breath taking, and the aerial views are absolutely beautiful. I was nervous prior to running off the cliff, but once we were off and running, and my legs were expanded in the air, I felt like a bird, relaxed and enjoyed the ride. It was rather peaceful and serene and I look forward to doing it again. Due to the number of safety straps, I felt safe, and did not feel that I was in danger at any time during the flight. the pilot reassured me that I was safe as long as I followed his guidance. I am an adrenaline junky and what a high, as i see it, life is meant to be lived, and when it is your birthday or you are on vacation, you must do something that is life altering and most memorable. I encourage anyone with a strong heart to give it a try, especially if you like adventure. I give Hang Gliding 5 blinks, what a delightful and wonderful experience.

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