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Friday, May 14, 2010

A Fee for A Seat

ASSI - I am rather disturbed. I just purchased an airline ticket on Air Tran and was charged for my seat. What is the cost of the airline ticket for? Is it not for a seat on the plane? Obviously not with Air Tran, and if it I were not flying with someone who requires a specific departure time, I would have chosen another airline. As soon as I was prompted to pay for the seat.

This is a warning to anyone who reads this. AVOID Air Tran Airline!!! To assess an additional charge for a seat, and depending on the isle you will pay anywhere from $15.00 to $6.00 per seat on an outgoing and return flight. This is beyond ridiculous. What in the world is going on with the Airline business? They no longer feed you, charge you for blankets, pillows, earphones, and luggage. Are we doing them a favor or is it vice versa? I know we need each other but at what expense? I have a choice in the airline that I chose and if I were not flying with someone else, I would not be posting this story.

As I see it, of all the things to pay for why give an additional fee to an airline for a seat? We must stand up and fight for the many injustices that exist in this country. I cannot believe this and will no longer stand for this and neither should you. Get this Air Tran's slogan is: "Go, there nothing is stopping you." Nothing but the FEES!

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