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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What an Electrifying Election Year

ASSI - American politics at its finest, Barack Obama delivered an exciting speech at the Democratic Convention last week, and tonight it is Vice President elect Sarah Palin's turn to deliver her speech of a lifetime at the Republican Convention. All eyes and ears will be tuned in to hear what she has to say: will she talk about her family or her past experience as a Corporate Executive, time as a Mayor, or the less than two years she has served as Governor of Alaska? Inquiring mines what to know what she thinks about the war in Iraq, Iran, the economy, gas prices, and what's happening between Russia and Georgia. Tonight is her moment to share her views with the world. John McCain is seventy-two years old and in the event something shall happen to him, if he wins the Presidency. Is Sarah Palin ready to be the next Commander and Chief? This is the operative question along with many others such it fair to thrust the father of Bristol's child into the spotlight, should women praise Palin for being a working mother of five, will her husband be a stay at home dad, if McCain is elected President?

I find it interesting that little is being said about Geraldine Ferraro who was the first woman selected to serve as Vice President, but Sarah Palin is supposedly making history, how is that?Is good looks, charm, and style enough? The speech writer assigned to Sarah Palin has his/her work cut out, he or she must make Sarah Palin sound impressive otherwise the Republican party will be faced with a berog of unpleasantness that will have McCain deferring to his team or he might even have a senior moment. Nonetheless many will be tuned in to see and hear. It all goes down tonight at 10:30 p.m. eastern standard time.

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