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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Skinny Bitch: A Vegetarian's Guide to Healthy Living

ASSI - During one of my feeding breaks at work, I shared with a coworker my desire to stop eating chicken and turkey, but thought it might be difficult due to the amount of chicken that I consume in a week. According to one of my coworkers, the book "Skinny Bitch" was the wake up call she needed, and thought it would be a good book for me to read as well. At first I was a little taken-a-back due to the style of writing it is harsh and in your face with enough shocking information to get your attention. The profanity was enough to make me cringe but I continued to read, relax, and receive the factual information provided. Rory and Kim are the authors of Skinny Bitch, a New York Times Bestseller that will definitely influence your decision to become a vegetarian. The condition and treatment of the animals will raise your eyebrows and discuss you to the point of thinking twice before eating meat or dairy; however, the affirmations, menus, and alternative foods provided gives you hope that you can eat healthy without tasteless compromises. As I see it, if you are contemplating becoming a vegan or vegetarian you must read Skinny Bitch it will enlighten you and expose the FDA, USDA, and food manufactures of their unsafe practices. I give Skinny Bitch 4.5 blinks

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