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Friday, December 28, 2007

I Am Legend Starring Will Smith

AHSI.....The movie I Am Legend starring Will Smith was a horrible movie with an awful plot. It was more of an Alien (starring Sigourney Weaver) meets Return of the Living Dead. Mr. Smith is a scientist working for the military and he is trying to find a cure for a disease that has been infecting the world. He has a fast car, a big gun, a German shepherd, as his sidekick and a bunch of sick demon like people to fight. I guess this storyline is suppose to keep the viewer entertained. "Big Willie" can roam the earth during the day but when it becomes dark he has to be careful and watch his back at all times. Will's acting was actually pretty good but not enough to make me enjoy this movie. AHSI gives this movie 1.5 eyeballs.

ASSI - Will Smith has good camaraderie with inanimate objects and move goers seem to enjoy their own screen chemistry. In I Am Legend, Smith is partnered with Jack, a German Shepard for most of the movie, Willow Smith has a small role as his daughter, and Sally Richardson Whitfield is Mrs. Robert Neville. Anything is possible but somethings are unfathomable like this movie, I am unsure if I am Legend is an adaptation, but for me, I would enjoyed it more as a book. There were times in the movie when Neville was unresponsive to the infected mutant victims, who wanted to infect the only immune human survivor with the plague. The infected mutants are sensitive to sun light, they try to lure Neville and Jack into the darkness, Neville makes every attempt to locate other humans, develop a vaccine to reverse the virus, and stay immune. As I see it I am Legend receives 2.5 blinks.

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