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Friday, August 8, 2008

Keynote Speaker - First Lady Laura Bush

ASSI – First Lady Laura Bush was the keynote speaker at the Reading First Conference this year, Mrs. Bush was dressed in a silk White suite that complimented her. She addressed the audience of about 6 thousand administrators, principals and teachers regarding the importance of educating children. I attempted to capture her speaking using a 2GB memory card within 30 seconds of recording the memory card was full; therefore, I had to settle for taking still shots of Ms. Bush. However, enjoy the 30 second sound bite of her speech. As I see it she was gracious, sincere, and enthusiastic regarding the subject matter. I had the pleasure of shaking her hand that was felt like an infant’s hands pre crawling days, I suppose she uses the best moisturizer available, probably sleeps in moisture gloves; however, I would have been surprised if her hand felt like mine.

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