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Monday, December 1, 2008

Cars with Noticeable GPS Systems are Targets

ASSI - If you own a GPS System do not leave it or signs of having one in the car, we had a rental with out-of-state tags, the holder for the GPS System, and the charger was in the vehicle, and someone broke the window on the passenger side because they thought the GPS System was in the car. Only two cars in the neighborhood were targeted and both had evidence that a GPS System might be in the car. Our neighbor actually had their GPS stolen and luckily for us we removed the GPS System but because the holder and charger were visible the person who broke our windows went after the GPS System only. Therefore, during these difficult times when folks are looking to take advantage of your carelessness always be mindful that someone is looking to take advantage of your negligence, so please take the time to protect yourself and your possessions. It is not worth the time or the expense of replacing a window.

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